There have been 40 UK Champion Tibetan Terriers bred, owned or campaigned by Alilah.
The majority of these have been owned by other exhibitors and breeders, proving that Alilah will sell the best.
Alilah has won the ‘Top Breeder’, ‘Top Sire’ and ‘Top Brood Bitch’ on many occasions.
Alilah always breeds from the best in order to produce a healthy, sound and typical Tibetan Terrier
that can live happily and contented in society. All breeding stock has eye, hip & DNA certification.
Puppies that have been lavishly reared in the house as part of the family are occasionally available.
The majority of present day breeders have used Alilah stock to produce winners.
In 1973 Alilah was fortunate to be able to purchase HARDACRE DILYS on breeding terms from Anne Mathews.
She produced our first Champion DOLBY OF ALILAH and also CH CHARISMA OF ALILAH, before becoming a champion herself.
Charisma also went on to produce the famous 'K' litter which included CH ALILAH KONKERAH OF ARAKI
who went on to be the top stud of all time in TTs.
Alilah continued to carefully line breed using the outstanding stud team of the JEMECS kennel.
We established the ALILAH type of correct size, well balanced & free moving TTs which is still the main aim of ALILAH to date.
ALILAH has always recognised quality in other kennels and has imported dogs from Finland and Sweden
to enable it to develop and improve.
In 1996 circumstances beyond my control meant that I had to reduce the breeding program at ALILAH
and most of the dogs went into family homes. I am grateful to the people who gave them sofas to sit on and
who continue to care for them.
My utmost gratitude goes to those who continued to breed the ALILAH type and who helped me
to re-establish after the lost years when I was prevented from breeding.
ALILAH continues to follow the same principles it always did of type, soundness, good health and fair play.
Pat Tempest